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by : monapisa

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Angel, From Gabriel Until Nefilim

MALAIKAT in Indonesia , Angel in English, in Greek Anggelos (pronounced Angelos) and means "messenger." This word is mentioned in nearly every mention of the word Angels (angels) in the Bible, except the one in Luke 20:36 for they can not die any more, they are like the angels and they are children of God, because they have been resurrected.The word is frasanya reads "together with" the angels or the Greek Isaggelos (like an angel).

     The first time the word angels mentioned in the Bible Genesis 3:24 He dispels the man and to the east of the garden of Eden cherubim placed Him with the sword of some burning and darting, to guard the way to the tree of life.
     The angels are creatures of God's creation, of course, a lower position than God.And was in the middle between God and man. They are spirits that are not visible and serve (Hebrews 1:14). The angels are responsible minister in the holy throne of God, protect people and serve as the messenger who brought special news. The angels are creatures who always give reverence to God and to always serve God by carrying out His will.
     As a servant of God can be on the Book of Daniel Chapter 7 Article:9 While I continue to see thrones, placed, and sat the Ancient; his clothes white as snow and his hair like pure wool; His chair of the flame with the wheels of blazing fire;10 A river of fire flowing and before him; a thousand times a thousand serve Him, and selaksa times berlaksa-laksa stand before Him. Assembly to sit on the Court and books were opened.
     As a human shield can be read from the Book of Psalms Chapter 91 Article:11 because of His angels His will instructed thee to keep thee in all your ways.12 They will menatang you high above his hands, so your feet do not stumble on the stone.
     As the messenger who brought special news, can be listened to when Lot was saved from Sodom, when preaching to Mary about the birth of the Savior Jesus, who will contain. Also when Daniel received a detailed briefing by the angel Gabriel.
     The angels are huge numbers when re-listening to the Book of Daniel above, it is often said to be "heavenly army", is certainly not a company or regiment of angels, but both can be a force even more. But there is a group of angels has become angel, archangel, Virtue, Authority, Government, Royal, Cherubim, Seraphim. This grouping is usually based on the Apostle Paul's writings (Ephesians 6:12, for example) as well as other writings in the Bible.
     But there are only two angels are personal names often mentioned in the Bible as Michael and Gabriel. It is said that there are angels in the apocryphal book called the angel Uriel and Jeremiel. Maybe the other books again there is another name for the designation of certain angels, such as angels Luciel, Tololel angel, angel Degilel, Yakyakel angel, angel Bebalel, Mabokel angels, angels and other Togel deh, just use the suffix "el" is yaow ....
     While the Cherubim mentioned above could be the angel, as a symbolic guard stationed at the places of God "enthroned" in the earth in the Old Testament. They keep the Garden of Eden and the Ark of the Covenant. But there who believe that the little cherub is a winged lion-headed man, in other words SPHINK. Because these creatures most often depicted in art and the kings of Canaan Canaan often depicted sitting on a throne supported by two cherubim.
     Not all angels have been good, but there are also angels who are not faithful to God. In Genesis 6:1-7, we are told there are people who have powerful people or often called the Nephilim, is the result of the marriage relationship between the fallen angels with women on earth. The Bible records people valor in antiquity. But God can not accept the actions of these angels and their offspring was spent with a flood, only Noah who found grace in the eyes of God.
     The angels who rebelled against God in heaven, led by OLD DRAGONS SNAKE LARGE = = = SATAN finally thrown down into the earth (Revelation 12:7-9).
     On earth the angels led by Satan often disguised as "angel of light" when we all know that Satan is the "king of darkness".
     As Christians we will see the angels of God on the Day of Resurrection.And he will send out his angels with trumpets blowing sound tremendous and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other end of the sky. (Matt. 24:31).

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