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by : monapisa

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey ! Say! JUMP!

consists of ten people, is the care of Johnny's Entertainment, all cool.
Okeh, I will introduce HSJ to you, with the oldest .
YABU KOTA, 31 January 1990
薮宏太 Born in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan. The former group Ya-ya-yah. Play as Takayama Mikiya in dorama japan "Ninkyo Helper. " In album NO.1 JUMP Yabucontributed his work entitled "Dreamer". This song really hit once again for those whodespair.

TAKAKI YUUYA, 26 Maret 1990
雄也 高木 Born in Osaka, former group Hey! Say! 7 Original. Famous Japanese drama by acting in "Gokusen". Lyricist song "Time" on their first album, JUMP NO.1.

 INOO KEI, 21 Juny 1990
伊野尾慧 Born in Iruma, Saitama. Good at playing the piano and became accompanist at theJUMP band (which is only a temporary band perform in concert Hey! Say! JUMP). Ifmore chat with other JUMP members love to talk a topic that comes to random nsometimes not the same conversation. haha

YAOTOME HIKARU, 2 Desember 1990
八乙女光  Born in Miyagi, Japan. Former member of the group Ya-ya-yah. Play as KumakiriMasaru in Japanese dorama "Orthros no Inu". In addition, the authors Hika lyrics of the song "Infinity" and "Ai Scream". Awful song deh. Hikaru also be a major star in the TVShow School Kakumei. In JUMPband he is so Bassist. Just so cool if add the same bass.

ARIOKA DAIKI, 15 April 1991
有岡大貴  Born in Chiba, Japan 15 April 1991. Players Japanese dorama Scrap Teacher as IrieSugizou. Dancer third best in the HSJ (by person). Daiki who arranged the song TimeTakaki making the song one of Time song masterpiece JUMP.

OKAMOTO KEITO, 1 April 1993
岡本圭人 JUMPband guitarist was born in Tokyo. Oldest member of Hey! Say! 7. His father wasnamed Okamoto Kenichi also from Johnny's Entertainment. Keito had lived in Americaa few years and come back to Japan before Hey! Say! JUMP formed. So he's the most good English among other JUMP members. 3 years ago his face was still geeky.

山田涼介 Super kawaii creatures to Kirei to sexy to kakkoi to omoshiroikatta desu. Born inTokyo, Japan. My favorite is most famous among members JUMP.
Why? I think because the Ryosuke is very good at expressing myself through dance his face and he was so many offers to play the drama.
One of them Hidarime dramaTantei Eye. Really good acting.
Ryosuke really smart to build the character of the TanakaAinosuke.
In album JUMP NO.1 he helped write lyrics for songs Shinku.
He also had another solo song rich Asia no Yoru, Moonlight and Perfume. All the love-themed songs.
Curious as this child, what's with the feeling he is actually? * shaking his head.
Additionally, by hearing his voice the most subtle, more so when I compare him sing in2009 asia no yoru ma year 2010 (SUMMARY). wow .. changed 180 degrees! Anyway Ryosuke will not be replaced.

NAKAJIMA YUUTO, 10 Agustus 1993

中島裕翔 Drummer JUMPband This is the highest among the others. Born in Tokyo, Japan. Onechild is most like to use headphones to hear music anywhere n anytime... wow, like me >,< . Yuto also playin Sensei wa Erai dorama! as Matsuki Shouta. Among HS7, which I think he's the most kakkoi plasticity ^ ^ In the album he made ​​JUMP NO.1 song called Dash!!. The music is perfect for anime soundtracks.

 CHINEN YURI, 30 November 1993

知念侑李 The clever little stunt (even the beams can jump 2 meters) was born in Hamamatsu,Shizuoka, Japan .. Chii love looking at potstickers. He also played in the doramaScrap Teacher as Yoshida. Once his voice is very high even like girls. When I first heard the song "Ultra Music Power" I think he's a girl. Eh, it turns out he's a real guy.LOL. Smile Chinen also deadly. Even beat Kim Bum. In JUMP NO.1 he joined donate his work entitled "Smile Song"


森本龍太郎 The youngest. Not a lot of his talent is revealed. So I also do not know the side of excess.

Excess Hey! Say! JUMP (my version):
can dance as well as sing, not lipsync (proof in the video Hey! Say! 2010TENJUMP), not plastic surgery (only special treatment), can sing good even run around the podium at a concert and nice to fans
The rest, understand yourself ^ ^

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